Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine practice involving the insertion of very fine needles into specific points on the body and can assist fertility by influencing various physiological processes in the body.
Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese practice, involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body, promoting natural healing and relieving various ailments, including pain, stress, and insomnia.
Acupuncture enhances ovarian arterial blood flow improving ovarian function and promoting healthy eggs. Stimulating endorphins, promoting wellbeing and reduction of stress.
It also encourages hormonal balancing through regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis thereby helping to regulate cycles and enhance ovarian function.
Acupuncture provides pain relief by stimulating endorphin release, reducing inflammation, and promoting natural healing mechanisms for effective and holistic pain management.
Acupuncture can assist in stress reduction by promoting relaxation, regulating cortisol levels, and restoring balance to the body's energy, fostering overall mental well-being.
Acupuncture improves insomnia by regulating sleep patterns, reducing stress, and enhancing relaxation, promoting restful nights and overall well-balanced sleep.
How can acupuncture help me?
Chinese medicine has a holistic view of health in that it makes no separation between the body, mind and its external environment
Achieving wellness is largely about finding balance, by its effect on the nervous system acupuncture can help to activate the self-regulatory functions of the body restoring homeostasis.
Acupuncture seeks to unearth the root causes of illness as well as treating the manifesting symptoms that a patient shows. An acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of small very fine needles into acupuncture points on the body, acupuncture points when stimulated by needles help to bring blood circulation into deficient areas activating the free flow of energy. The endorphin effect of treatment often brings about a sense of peace and wellbeing making it ideal for managing stress.
The process
An acupuncture consultation will involve a comprehensive enquiry into medical history, onset of symptoms, palpation is often used to detect areas of imbalance and injury.
A treatment plan will then be devised often involving a prescription of weekly sessions, this may involve referrals to other clinics and specialists for tests.
I work closely with other specialist nutritionists, naturopaths and medical practitioners so I can provide the most bespoke plan for my clients, treatment may often involve nutritional and lifestyle advice.
Other treatments
Facial acupuncture